DMV Record & Registration is a valuable tool for our investigators who need to access vehicle-related information.

It allows us to search for the owner, lienholder, registration status, title status, and other details of any vehicle registered in the United States. DMV Record & Registration can help us to:
- Verify the identity and address of a person of interest by matching their name and date of birth with their vehicle records
- Locate a person of interest by finding out where they registered their vehicle, where they renewed their registration, or where they received a parking ticket or a traffic violation
- Track the movements and activities of a person of interest by analyzing their vehicle registration history, vehicle inspection history, and vehicle accident history
- Identify potential associates or accomplices of a person of interest by checking if they have any vehicles registered under the same name or address
- Discover hidden assets or liabilities of a person of interest by checking if they have any liens, judgments, or taxes on their vehicles
- Uncover fraud or deception by checking if a person of interest has provided false or inconsistent information about their vehicles, such as the make, model, year, color, or VIN
This source of information helps our investigators solve cases, find evidence, and protect public safety.
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