Surveillance / Activity Checks Services

Surveillance and activity checks are two common methods used by Status to gather information and evidence about a person or a situation.

With our surveillance service, we observe and record the activities, movements, interactions, and locations of a subject, usually without their knowledge or consent. With activity checks, we contact or visit various sources, such as neighbors, employers, relatives, or friends, to verify or obtain information about a subject's background, behavior, habits, or whereabouts.

Surveillance and activity checks are particularly useful tools in different types of cases, such as:

  • Fraud
  • Insurance Claims
  • Criminal Defense
  • Missing Persons
  • Domestic Disputes
  • Personal Injury

However, they also pose ethical and legal challenges that require careful consideration and planning. For example, surveillance and activity checks may infringe on the subject's privacy rights, expose the investigator to liability or danger, or violate the laws or regulations of the jurisdiction where they are conducted.


Because of these potential challenges, Status always consults with you and legal counsel to determine the objectives, scope, and limitations of the investigation before conducting surveillance or activity checks. We also follow the best practices and standards of our profession and adhere to the applicable codes of conduct and ethics. Moreover, we always respect the rights and dignity of the subjects and sources involved in the investigation and avoid any actions that may cause harm, harassment, or intimidation.

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